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  6. Form Builder

Form Builder

To go to Form Builder:

Click--> Setting, and Click--> Form Builder.

In this section you can create custom forms.

Custom forms

Click--> Setting, Click--> Form Builder--> Custom forms.

You will have a detailed list of the forms created with Form, Orders Using This Form, Products Using This Form and Actions.

Within the actions you can “edit”, “copy” and “delete”.

Create new form 

Click--> Setting, Click--> Form Builder--> Custom forms--> Create new form

Give your new form a title and click “Ok“.


Click--> Setting, Click--> Form Builder--> Import.

Paste new form configuration text and click “import“.

Form options

Add new form name and options indicate if you want top labels or left labels, indicate if you want display the form title or don’t display the form title. Finally click Update.

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